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   Entries in “other & strange” are not related to physics.

Emails from a pilgrimage along the Way of St. James
From April 24 to August 31, 2022, I made a pilgrimage on foot from my home in Nuremberg to Santiago de Compostela. During this 130-day journey, I sent an email to my friends every evening. Mostly I also attached one or more photos. Together these emails make a kind of pilgrim's diary. A very incomplete diary, however, consisting of a completely unsystematic hodgepodge of personal observations, experiences, and thoughts. In this pdf-file the 130 emails are collected.
The emails are written in german.
→ Download the complete article ( german, pdf, 12.2 MB )
A Vocabulary Trainer with 7 Languages
An Excel file with a vocabulary-trainer macro. Special feature: Words and phrases are displayed not only in 2 languages — as conventionally done in this type of software — , but in up to 7 languages in parallel. Thats very useful if you are trying to learn several similar languages. Example: (english) When will we meet? (spanish) ¿Cuándo nos encontramos? (italian) Quando ci incontriamo? (french) Quand nous rencontrons-nous? Such similar words and phrases can be memorized much easier, if they are displayed in parallel at the same time.
The vocabulary trainer is constructed so simple, that every user can easily adapt it for his/her own particular needs.
Last update: Jun-30-2019
→ File download ( Excel, 450 KB )
Who invented Sudoku? Since when is it known? How many different Sudokus can be constructed? Some (not very profound) considerations regarding this popular type of brain teasers are reflected in this circular.
This article is written in german.
→ Download the complete article ( german,  pdf, 503 KB )
Circulars I
Circulars II
Circulars III
Quantum Phenomena
Field Theory
other & strange